Supporting migrants in setting up companies and establishing peer-to-peer exchange platforms.

Funded by:

Erasmus +

Our role in the project:

  • Toolkit development

  • Entrepreneurial Competencies Assessment

  • Umsetzung von Entrepreneurship-Cafés

Brief description

E-CAFÉ addresses some of the central fields of action of the EU: The provision of high-quality learning and further training opportunities for low-skilled adults, the promotion of entrepreneurial thinking and social inclusion.

In order to ensure the widest possible use, we involve adult education organizations, trainers, NGOs and support structures (e.g. incubators, chambers) in our work and support them in expanding their offers for founders with a refugee or migration background.

Project outputs

OUTPUT 1 – Toolbox: Umsetzung einer umfassenden Toolbox zur Entwicklung eines Entrepreneurial-Mindsets. Darüber hinaus programmieren wir ein Entrepreneurial Competency Assessment.

OUTPUT 2 – Entrepreneurship Cafés: Etablierung von 4 regionalen Entrepreneurship-Cafés / Gründertreffs zum Austausch zwischen Peers.

OUTPUT 3 – Interaktive APP: Entwicklung einer interaktiven APP, die als Plattform für die Verbreitung der Projektressourcen dient und darüber hinaus zahlreiche Interaktionsfunktionen umfasst.

News from the project:

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