It is no secret that in today’s digital world, webinars are an excellent way to reach your target audience and showcase your performance. One of the most important roles in a webinar is that of the moderator – he / she is responsible for leading the conversation and keeping it on track. To moderate successfully, you need to know how to create a safe space for discussion. Here are some tips on how to do just that

#No. 1 – Look out for the person who is not saying anything. If someone is sitting still, you can ask them a question or two that will encourage them to participate. Everyone wants to feel included. This does not mean that you should single out individuals, but that you should pay attention to the group as a whole.

#No. 2 – Once there, tell everyone what to expect from your webinar (what equipment is needed, how long it will take, etc.).

#No. 3 – If you want the participants to show their faces, make this clear in advance. This is how you create a more pleasant environment. Sometimes people may even be shy, but if you tell them beforehand, it is very important for their well-being and willingness to participate.

#No. 4th – If someone asks a question or says something out loud, don’t interrupt them or feel the need to add anything – let them finish! Even if you think what he or she is saying is a little off, don’t interfere until he or she has finished.

#No. 5 – Always keep your tone friendly and welcoming. People like to be with someone who is really nice; when you do wrong, people quickly become uncomfortable.

#No. 6th – Don’t panic if the technology doesn’t work as planned. If the webinar connection isn’t working, don’t worry! It happens to the best of us too, and no one is going to hate you for it (even if they may not be enthusiastic). Sometimes it just takes a little patience and a little time and the problem will go away on its own.

#No. 7th – Think about what kind of clothes you will be wearing for the webinar. They should look reasonably formal but not stuffy; in general, this means a blouse or shirt (for women) with trousers or a trouser suit and / or an elegant casual shirt with jeans. Again, you should be reasonably formal, but not stuffy; avoid wearing a suit unless you are giving a formal presentation. If it suits your style and well-being, wear something with color!

#No. 8th – Before the webinar starts, take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with the technology. Do some quick practice runs and see that you know what you are doing. When it’s time to start the webinar, try taking a few deep breaths. If you are relaxed and comfortable in your surroundings, the other participants will also feel more comfortable!

#No. 9 – Take a break about once every hour to allow attendees to stretch and relax, but stick to a schedule so the webinar doesn’t last longer than necessary. If you can’t moderate every minute of the webinar, nominate someone to represent you if necessary.

#No. 10 – If participants chat or email questions while on-screen, make sure you know what you are doing before responding. It always looks better when you can answer the question right away! If not, you should respond within a few minutes; your quick response and professionalism will be appreciated.

#No. 11 – At the end of the webinar, thank all participants for their participation; this shows that you appreciate her and her time.

If you follow these guidelines, you will have more fun, feel less stressed, and more enjoyable for your webinar attendees! And that’s always a good thing!

All information and details in our articles and information have been compiled to the best of our knowledge. However, they are provided without liability. This information cannot replace individual advice in specific cases.